Coordinate finder on Google Maps

Most people go to Google Maps looking for specific addresses or locations. However, many people don’t know that they can also use Google Maps to find GPS coordinates. This is useful if you’re doing a mapping project and need an exact point on the map. To find coordinates on Google Maps, toggle between satellite and street view at the top-left corner of the map. Next, scroll or zoom into the map until you see the exact location you wish to find the coordinates. Then click on your desired location. Here we’ll show your the specific GPS coordinates for this exact location with “LATITUDE” and “LONGITUDE” data.

Google Maps

Zoom in on any location on the map, then click on the Google map below to find out the latitude and longitude of the location of your choice. In case if you need, copy and paste those coordinates into your favorite mapping websites such as Bing or MapQuest.

Event Click LatLng

What are coordinates

The imaginary lines of latitude and longitude intersect each other, forming a grid that covers the Earth. The latitude and longitude points are called coordinates and can be used together to locate any point on Earth.

What is latitude?

Latitude is the magnitude scale for its position north or south of the Equator.

Latitude is measured in imaginary lines equal to 180 degrees, known as parallels. A circle of latitude is an imaginary ring linking all points sharing a parallel.

Latitude can range from 0 degrees to 90 degrees and is the measure of an angle used to show a location’s distance from either the Equator or the North Pole. The Equator, for example, lies on 0-degree latitude.

Some circles of latitude are named, with one being the Tropic of Cancer. At 23 degrees 26 minutes 21 seconds N, it is the location on Earth that reaches the most northern latitude where the sun can be seen directly overhead on a solstice. A similar circle runs around the Earth at around 23 degrees 26 minutes 21 seconds S, marking the southernmost latitude.

One degree of latitude called an arcdegree covers about 111 kilometers (69 miles). Because of the Earth’s curvature, the farther the circles are from the Equator meet in smaller the circles.

Degrees of latitude are divided into 60 minutes, and those minutes are divided into 60 seconds. The higher the degree of latitude, the farther north or south you travel, and how taller you climb each minute/second.

For example, the latitude for Cairo, Egypt on Earth is 29° 52′ N while Cape Town, South Africa is at 33° 56′ S. Using seconds of the degree (really seconds of latitude on Earth), a global positioning system (GPS) can pinpoint schools and address even in either of these towns.

What is longitude?

Like latitude, the corresponding distance measurement around the Earth is called longitude; these line coordinates intersect to form various grids with different patterns.

Longitude is relative to the Prime Meridian and is measured in longitude degrees. The Earth is divided into 360 degrees of longitude. Meridians measure the degrees of longitude and meet at the North and South Poles.

The prime meridian is international shorthand for the Greenwich meridian, a longitudinal line universally accepted as 0 degrees of longitude. The antimeridian is halfway around the world and is used for the International Date Line.

Half of the world, the Eastern Hemisphere, is measured in longitude east of the prime meridian. The other half, the Western Hemisphere, in longitude west of the prime meridian.

Breaking down degrees of longitude into 60 minutes, each minute can be split up into 60 separate seconds. For example, Paris, France, has a longitude of 2º 29′ E (2º 29′), while Brasilia, Brazil, has a longitude degree of 47º 55′ W (47º 55′).

A degree of longitude is about 111 kilometers (69 miles) and spans widest near the Equator. However, it can vary depending on its increased distance from the Equator. The Earth’s curvature results in a different measurement for various degrees of longitude. All meridians meet at the North and South Poles.

Longitude is measured in degrees, north or south of the Equator. Lines of latitude are called parallels. Maps marked with parallels and meridians, creating a grid. The point in the grid where parallels and meridians intersected the coordinate. Coordinates can be used to locate any point on Earth.

Knowing the coordinates of a site is valuable for military, engineering, and rescue operations. Coordinates can provide military forces with access to weapons or enemy personnel in the area. Coordinates allow engineers to plan in-depth for their work by pinpointing the best spot to construct buildings, bridges, wells, or similar structures. Following these coordinates might even save an airplane pilot time by indicating the location where they are most likely to land or deliver aid packages.

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