
Monaco Google Maps is a site/tool that offers a wide range of map views (topographic, satellite, street view) and navigation options, with little effort on your part, yet efficiently. If you need to plan a trip to a new place like Monaco, Google maps are available on desktop, mobile, or tablet. This Google maps and information page is dedicated to Monaco, Europe (47 countries), showing its location, country facts, details about its capital city Monaco, bordering countries like France, and plenty of other information which may be interesting when you visit this European state.

Quick links: Google maps Monaco, Monaco Google maps, Driving Directions Monaco, Printable Road Map.

The official flag of the Monegasque or Monacan nation.

About Monaco in a nutshell

  • Conventional short form of the name: Monaco
  • The conventional long form of the name: Principality of Monaco
  • Local long form: Principaute de Monaco
  • Local short form: Monaco
  • Former name(s): N/A
  • Etymology: founded as a Greek colony in the 6th century B.C., the name derives from two Greek words monos (single, alone) and oikos (house) to convey the sense of a people living apart or in a single habitation.
  • The legal system in Monaco: civil law system influenced by French legal tradition.
  • Climate: Mediterranean. Summers are hot and dry; days with 12 hours of sunshine are not uncommon. Winters are mild and sunny.
  • The national symbols are red and white lozenges (diamond shapes); national colors: red, white.
  • Internet TLD: .mc

The principality has a typically Mediterranean climate and offers a typical urban environment, stretching from the Mediterranean to the lower slopes and cliffs of the Maritime Alps. Monaco, the capital and namesake of the state, is built on a rocky headland. At the same time, Monte-Carlo, home to hotels, villas, luxury apartments, and tourist attractions, is perched on the hillside. The newest part of the city, Fontvieille, behind the old harbor, which now serves only luxury yachts, is partly built on land reclaimed from the sea: it is here that the city’s light industry specializes in chocolate, beer, and cosmetics has set up. Monaco has plenty to offer outside the annual Formula 1 races in May. Without the world-famous Casino de Montecarlo, Monaco would be just one of the many ‘grey’ towns of the Cote d’Azur. The Oceanographic Museum is arguably the greatest marine aquarium in Europe. Built-in the 13th century, the Grimaldi family’s princely palace has 15 rooms open to the public. The south wing of the palace houses an exhibition of Napoleon’s memorabilia. The Monegasque botanical gardens contain around 7000 species of cactus, while the National Museum of Monaco is famous for its exhibition of dolls.

High-profile social and sporting events attract large crowds each spring, including the Rose Ball, Tennis Open, and Grand Prix.


The Genoese built a fortress on the site of present-day Monaco in 1215. The current ruling GRIMALDI family first seized control in 1297 but could not permanently secure its holding until 1419. Economic development was spurred in the late 19th century with a railroad linkup to France and the opening of a casino. Since then, the principality’s mild climate, splendid scenery, and gambling facilities have made Monaco world-famous as a tourist and recreation center.


A rocky promontory overlooking a narrow coastal strip has been enlarged through land reclamation.

Monaco is a tiny principality on the Côte d’Azur. Its destiny changed radically when the casino was opened in 1863. Today, it promotes its image as an upmarket, glamorous destination.

This state is located in Western Europe, bordering the Mediterranean Sea on the southern coast of France, near the border with Italy, under the coordinates of 43 44 N, 7 24 E, covering an area of 2 sq km with a coastline of 4.1 km. Monaco is About three times the size of the national mall in Washington, DC.

Monaco has 6 km of land boundaries in total and borders with (1 nation): France 6 km.

Hilly, rugged, rocky, with Chemin des Revoires on Mont Agel 162 m as the highest point of Monaco, while the Mediterranean Sea 0 m as the lowest point, causing a mean elevation at N/A throughout the country. With a total of 2 sq km, Monaco has 2 sq km of land and 0 sq km water surface area.

Second-smallest independent state in the world (after the Holy See); the smallest country with a coastline; almost entirely urbanThe climate in Monaco is as follows: the Mediterranean with mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers.

When you visit Monaco, the natural hazards shall be considered: None.

The following major health-threatening issues shall be considered when visiting Monaco: none.

Current environmental issues affecting the Monegasque or Monacan people: no serious issues; actively monitors pollution levels in air and water.

Google maps Monaco

The capital and other divisions

Capital city: Monaco found under the coordinates 43 44 N, 7 25 E, applying the time zone UTC+1 (6 hours ahead of Washington, DC, during Standard Time), using the following daylight saving time: +1hr begins last Sunday in March; ends last Sunday in October.

Monaco is a city-state in Western Europe and the world’s second-smallest country. It is known for its high living standards, attractive society, and luxury boutiques. Monaco has an economy driven mainly by tourism and gambling. The country is about 2 square miles.

Monaco became independent in 1419 (beginning of permanent rule by the House of GRIMALDI), and its national holiday is National Day (Saint Rainiers Day), 19 November (1857).

Administrative divisions: there are 4 quarters (quartiers, singular – quartier); Fontvieille, La Condamine, Monaco-Ville, Monte-Carlo.

People and society

Less than 20% of residents are Monégasques. Almost half are French, the rest Italian, American, British, Belgian, and others. Nationals enjoy many privileges, including housing subsidies to protect them from Monaco’s high property prices and the right to the first refusal before a foreigner can offer a job. Women have equal status but only acquired the vote in 1962. Prince Albert married South African swimmer Charlene Wittstock in 2011.

The population in Monaco is 31,223 (July 2021 estimate). Note: immigrants make up almost 68% of the total population, according to UN data (2019), with an average of 0.53% (2021 estimate) change. That means Monaco is the No. 216 in the world’s populated rank list. With an average of 55.4 years median age (53.7 years for males and 53.7 years for women), Monaco ranks No. 1 on the globe’s median age rank list.

The people living in this country are the Monegasque(s) or Monacan(s) (noun) or Monegasque or Monacan (adjective) and belong mainly to the following ethnic groups: Monegasque 32.1%, French 19.9%, Italian 15.3%, British 5%, Belgian 2.3%, Swiss 2%, German 1.9%, Russian 1.8%, American 1.1%, Dutch 1.1%, Moroccan 1%, other 16.6% (2016 estimate). Note: data represent population by country of birth.

They speak French (official language), English, Italian, Monegasque languages and practice the following religions: Roman Catholic 90% (official), other 10%.

We can conclude the following about the population in Monaco: The second most densely populated country in the world (after Macau). Its entire population lives on 2 square km. In Monaco, we are talking about 100% (2021) of the total population is living in cities, and most of them reside in the following municipalities: 39,000 Monaco (capital city) (2018).


Tourism, gambling, financial services. Banking secrecy laws and tax-haven conditions attract foreign investment. Close links and customs union with France (but not in EU). No resources: depends on imports.

Monaco, bordering France on the Mediterranean coast, is a popular resort, attracting tourists to its casino and pleasant climate. The principality also is a banking center and has successfully sought to diversify into services and small, high-value-added, nonpolluting industries. The state retains monopolies in several sectors, including tobacco, the telephone network, and the postal service. Living standards are high, roughly comparable to those in prosperous French metropolitan areas. The state has no income tax and low business taxes and thrives as a tax haven for individuals who have established a residence and for foreign companies that have set up businesses and offices. Monaco is not a tax-free shelter; it charges nearly 20% value-added tax, collects stamp duties, and companies face a 33% tax on profits unless they can show that three-quarters of profits are generated within the principality.

Monaco was formally removed from the OECD’s grey list of uncooperative tax jurisdictions in late 2009 but faced international pressure to abandon its banking secrecy laws and help combat tax evasion. In October 2014, Monaco officially became the 84th jurisdiction participating in the OECD’s Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, an effort to combat offshore tax avoidance and evasion. Monaco’s reliance on tourism and banking for its economic growth has left it vulnerable to downturns in France and other European economies, the principality’s main trade partners. In 2009, Monacos GDP fell by 11.5% as the euro-zone crisis precipitated a sharp drop in tourism and retail activity and home sales. A modest recovery ensued in 2010 and intensified in 2013, with more than 9% GDP growth, but Monaco’s economic prospects remain uncertain.

Monaco is rich in the following natural resources: None.

The main industrial sectors are banking, insurance, tourism, construction, small-scale industrial, and consumer products.

The country’s export sectors are robust in jewelry, perfumes, watches, packaged medicines, plastic products (2019), partnering with these nations: Italy 19%, Germany 14%, United Kingdom 9%, Switzerland 9%, Spain 8%, United States 6%, Belgium 5% (2019). The export trade resulted in $964.6 million. Note: Data are in current year dollars (2017 estimate). In a global rank of the export, values resulted in Monaco’s position of 179.

Land use in Monaco: 0% (2018 estimate) forest, 99% (2018 estimate) other.

The arable land area is 0% (2018 estimate), and the agricultural land is 1% (2018 estimate). Land use for permanent crops 1% (2018 estimate), permanent pasture 0% (2018 estimate). The sum of the area of the irrigated land is 0 sq km (2012).

The main agro-industrial products of Monaco are none.

The country typically needs to import: jewelry, recreational boats, cars and vehicle parts, watches, general wares (2019), partnering with the following nations: Italy 34%, Switzerland 16%, Germany 9%, the United Kingdom 7% (2019) in a sum value of $1.371 billion (2017 estimate) $1.162 billion (2011 estimate). Note: full customs integration with France, which collects and rebates Monegasque trade duties; also participates in EU market system through customs union with France. This sum value on the global ranking list of imports resulted in Monaco 181.

Monaco Driving Directions

In this post, you learned about Monaco, Western Europe, bordering the Mediterranean Sea on the southern coast of France, near the border with Italy. We published some basic information about its capital Monaco, and the Monegasque or Monacan nation.

Are you interested in visiting Monaco and looking for driving directions? Click here to plan your route, or see a printable road map of Monaco below for an overview of the route network.

Printable map of Monaco

Did you know about Monaco?

The Principality of Monaco is a small independent country. France surrounds it, and its capital city is Monaco. The Monegasque language is the official language, but French and English are also spoken in the country. Although it has an area of less than two square miles, Monaco contains three major tourist attractions: Monte Carlo Casino, Oceanographic Museum, and Larvotto Beach. It also has many other landmarks, such as the Saint Nicholas Cathedral, Palais des Princes de Monaco, and the National Museum of Natural History.

After virtually visiting Monaco, you may also be interested in the neighboring country: France.

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